Dolecek Enterprises Inc. (DEI) was created to promote healthy and resilient forest ecosystems with a multi-generational landscape level approach. Through years of experience in all regions of the United States we have acquired the ability to analyze, plan and implement best management practices.

The goal is to make a positive difference for ecosystem health on a parcel, state, regional and national level for the greatest impact.

Our process is based on systems engineering practices whereby we can create efficiencies and economies of scale while utilizing economic drivers to maximize our impact for clients.

The DEI promise is to ensure there is synergy on all projects while maintaining the mission and goal we have set out to accomplish.


“With Risk comes Reward and with Challenge comes Opportunity.”

— Nick Dolecek, President


DEI contracts and partners with government, corporate and private entities to develop forest management plans, forest carbon offsets, biometrics, inventories, growth and yield modeling and other instruments to promote healthier forests and land assets. We believe that through proper forest management and finance we can achieve greater forest health and resiliency, mitigate wildfire risk, prevent disease progression, enhance watershed health and also create an economically viable way to achieve these objectives.

The below link is a short book that our president Nick Dolecek wrote for landowners that are interested in managing their forest.

Forest Management for the Landowner: Southwestern United States and Southern Rockies 1, Dolecek, Nicholas - Amazon.com

Please click below to review the areas DEI can help you achieve your land management goals and objectives.
