Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Study
DEI works with ranches and large landowners in around the country to determine the best way to manage their land. This involves monetizing various opportunities and selecting the best methods to accomplish their goals on a landscape level approach.
State and County Governments
DEI worked with St. Louis County (700,000 acre project) and the State of Minnesota on separate projects both designed to understand what timber base they owned and what the valuation was on various tracts. This allowed both entities to make informed decisions about future management objectives.
Private Landowners and Non-Profits
DEI has worked with several landowners across the country to perform various types of feasibility analysis. We worked in Colorado, Arizona and Mississippi on carbon related feasibility studies with full plans and protocols implemented so the owners could own the data and shop it to developers. In Colorado and New Mexico we have conducted feasibility studies looking at the best way to monetize land assets for owners and managers decision making purposes.